Richard L. McCormick, President
April 22, 2004
The cartoon that the student publication, The Medium, ran on its April 21 cover page, making light of the Holocaust, is outrageous in its cruelty. It desecrates the memory of 6 million innocent Jewish people, and many other groups, who were brutally murdered by one of the most hateful regimes in human history. Unfortunately, this is not the first time the editors have caused tremendous hurt among their fellow students and the larger community by their disregard for the standards of civility, diversity and collegiality. The editors may think this is satire, but I completely disagree. While this student-funded publication is protected by the First Amendment, the vicious, provocative and hurtful material the editors have chosen to publish is completely at odds with our values as a university. I urge the students involved in this publication to reflect on what they have done, take responsibility for their actions and apologize for the hurt they have caused to our community.
Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Apology by The Medium
Richard L. McCormick, President
April 28, 2004
I credit the sincerity of The Medium staff’s letter and am pleased that the students have apologized. I am hopeful that this apology is a sign of progress toward more responsible editorial judgment and exercise of their First Amendment rights.
Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey