Welcome Back to Campus

January 21, 2008

Members of the Rutgers Community:

Welcome back—and to those who are new this semester, welcome to Rutgers! As 2008 begins to unfold, I hope the spring semester and the coming year will be successful and rewarding for everyone at Rutgers. We certainly started on a high note with the Scarlet Knights football team's impressive victory in the International Bowl.

While this year will bring many new challenges and initiatives across Rutgers, I want to bring to your attention three items of particular interest:

  • Middle States: The university's reaccreditation process moves forward with the visit of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education reaccreditation team March 9-12. This process, which takes place every ten years, is required for maintaining the university's eligibility for federal research funds and student aid. It is also critical for Rutgers' reputation and for ensuring the high value of a Rutgers diploma. The national dialogue on accountability makes this year's process, including our plans for assessment of student learning, especially important. We have chosen to focus our institutional self-study on undergraduate education and will take advantage of this opportunity for reflection and improvement as we work to enhance the undergraduate experience. Visit http://middlestates.rutgers.edu for more information.
  • Stadium Expansion: A public forum on Thursday, January 24, from 5 to 7 pm at the Livingston Student Center's College Hall will give you an opportunity to learn more about the proposed expansion of Rutgers Stadium and to offer questions and comments. See my invitation at http://www.president.rutgers.edu/letter_011608.shtml.
  • Recyclemania: A kickoff event also scheduled for Thursday, January 24, will usher in our latest effort to earn the national spotlight for our commitment to recycling and reducing waste.

Again, you have my best wishes for a productive and enjoyable semester.

Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey