Update on Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

March 26, 2007

Members of the Rutgers Community:

Last month Governor Corzine issued his state budget plan for Fiscal Year 2007–2008, including his proposals for funding of higher education.  The governor's budget includes a $12.3 million increase in funding for Rutgers, an increase in Tuition Aid Grants for students in financial need, and partial funding for current-year salary increases, as well as continued funding for the Stem Cell Institute of New Jersey.  In a year of continued fiscal restraint, Governor Corzine's proposal represents welcome progress in state support for higher education. 

The legislature is now taking up the governor's proposal and will be deliberating for the next few months before a final budget is passed and signed by June 30.  Rutgers students, faculty, staff, and alumni have a proud tradition of advocacy for the university during the budget process.  As the legislature deliberates, many in our community will take time to communicate with their elected representatives on Rutgers' behalf.  If you are so inclined, I encourage you to visit http://FY2008budget.rutgers.edu to learn about the university's position on the proposed budget.  These points, which I will make in testifying before the Assembly Budget Committee this week, can also inform your own personal message to legislators. 

Advocacy for Rutgers need not be limited to the immediate Rutgers community.  In fact, the more our state's leaders hear from citizens outside the institution who support Rutgers and its vital role in the future of New Jersey, the better.  I hope you will encourage your family and friends to speak on our behalf and to let New Jersey's leaders know how an investment in Rutgers contributes to the state's economic, social, and educational well-being.

Governor Corzine has proposed a budget that moves higher education funding in a positive direction.  Your interest and action can remind all those in the budget process that funding Rutgers and its fellow colleges and universities is a sound investment in the future vitality of New Jersey.

Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey