Statement Regarding March 6 Trenton Rally

March 3, 2003

Members of the Rutgers Community:

The funding of public higher education in New Jersey is a partnership between the state, which provides an annual budget appropriation, and the students and their parents, who share in the cost of education through tuition. The budget cuts now under consideration for higher education are unprecedented, and it is important for our public policy leaders to understand fully the impact that such cuts would have on our students' ability to attend Rutgers, graduate in a timely manner, and become valued and productive members of the New Jersey community and workforce.

The students who are participating in Thursday's rally realize the need to speak up for their concerns, and I support their efforts. While each Rutgers faculty member must make a determination regarding course work, I encourage the faculty to be sensitive to students who plan to attend the rally and, where possible, to allow those students to make up any class work missed. Students who have classes that cannot be missed or made up can certainly contact their legislators by phone or mail.

Through these actions, as well as other constructive activities, our students are exercising their rights as voters and New Jersey citizens to speak out on a matter that can seriously impact the quality and affordability of their education.

Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey