President's Plan for Alumni Relations at Rutgers

December 7, 2007

Dear Rutgers Students:

Whether in a few months or a few years, you will soon become Rutgers alumni. You will be forever linked to this university and, I hope, always interested and involved in its future. The value of your Rutgers degree will only increase as you help the university continue to reach higher levels of distinction among the finest institutions in the nation.

In order to make sure our graduates have the best possible alumni experience, Rutgers is undertaking a new plan for alumni relations, which I announced yesterday. You may click on to learn more about this initiative.

One of the most significant changes we are making is to create, for the first time, a single new alumni organization to which all Rutgers graduates will automatically belong. Called the Rutgers University Alumni Association (RUAA), this organization will be in place in time to welcome the Class of 2008. The RUAA will work in partnership with Rutgers to ensure that our graduates have maximum opportunities to stay connected with each other and with the life of the university. Among the benefits we anticipate is that more alumni will become involved in supporting current students in their Rutgers studies and in preparing for a career.

I encourage you to read the plan, and I hope you will become active in this new organization as you graduate. The finest universities in the nation have programs that inspire deep loyalty and engagement by their alumni. We want the same for Rutgers and for you.

You have my best wishes for success in your studies this semester and for a safe and enjoyable winter break.

Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey