Information Technology Strategic Planning

February 16, 2005

Members of the Rutgers Community:

We at Rutgers have seen Information Technology (IT) contribute to tremendous changes in how we learn, do research, manage our activities, and communicate with others. Touching all areas of the university, IT is a strategic asset, essential for fulfilling our mission and vital to the effective and efficient operations of the administration.

Consistent with the university-wide goals I put forth last fall, we will develop a strategic plan for Information Technology's role in the future success and competitiveness of Rutgers. Such a plan will allow us to create an IT environment that empowers students, faculty, and staff, and to enhance our interactions with business, academic, and community partners. It will provide a shared vision for where technology is going at Rutgers and how to use it for the benefit of all members of the community and in support of the university's goals. The plan will provide guidance for both the centralized computing services offered through the Office of Information Technology and computing within academic departments and administrative units of the university.

To develop this plan, we have created the Information Technology Strategic Planning Committee (ITSPC), co-chaired by Mike McKay, Vice President for Information Technology, and Steven Director, Professor, School of Management and Labor Relations. Five subcommittees have also been established and comprise a broad array of faculty, students, and staff from across the campuses. The subcommittees are:

  • Teaching & Learning, chaired by Donald Smith, Associate Professor of Computer Science;
  • Research, chaired by Doyle Knight, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;
  • Business Services & Enterprise Systems, chaired by Rosa Rivera, Director of Business Services, Rutgers-Camden;
  • Governance, chaired by Richard Falk, Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics;
  • Public Services & University Life, chaired by Marcia Brown, Vice Provost for Student and Community Affairs, Rutgers-Newark.

In the coming months you may be called upon to provide input or assist with this important initiative. We encourage your participation and welcome your input. For additional information about the committee and its work throughout the planning process, or to send questions or feedback, please visit the committee web site.

Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey