Changing Titles from “Provost” to “Chancellor” in Newark and Camden

April 24, 2008

Members of the Rutgers Community:

The provosts of our Newark and Camden campuses occupy vital positions at Rutgers. They oversee a wide array of academic and administrative responsibilities—from faculty recruitment to student life, campus safety to capital planning, budgeting to fundraising.

A recent review of the administrative job title convinced me that our Newark and Camden chief executives have a broader role in university administration than the title “provost” suggests. Many other institutions, such as the University of North Carolina and Penn State University, designate these campus academic and administrative leaders as “chancellors.” To reflect the national standard, we should do the same.

Therefore, effective immediately, this position title has been changed from “provost” to “chancellor,” more accurately reflecting the position’s duties and responsibilities. Let me emphasize that this is a title change only; the chancellors will continue to report directly to the university president, will continue to hold the responsibilities they have had, and will see no change in compensation associated with the title change.

I know that you will continue to support our chancellors, who have led our campuses with integrity and vision, as you have always done.

Richard L. McCormick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey