Appointment of Dean of the Rutgers University School of Business at Camden

November 3, 2005

Members of the Rutgers Community:

After a comprehensive international search, we are very pleased to announce that Dr. Mitchell Koza has accepted the position of dean of the Rutgers University School of Business at Camden, effective February 15, 2006. Dr. William Reynolds will continue his fine service as interim dean until that time.

Dr. Koza brings to the position an impressive portfolio of scholarly and administrative achievements, an accessible management style, and true enthusiasm for helping Rutgers-Camden advance to the next level of prominence in undergraduate and graduate business education.

A leader in management development and education, Dr. Koza currently serves as director general and professor of international strategy for the European Center for Executive Development (Cedep) in France. As head of the school providing management education to a consortium of 35 European multinational companies, Dr. Koza has helped increase member enrollment by more than 30 percent and has established a new platform for online education.

Dr. Koza's scholarship focuses on issues of international cooperation and competitiveness. His research examines strategic alliances and acquisitions, organizational transformation, and regulation, and has appeared in such leading journals as Organization Science and the Strategic Management Journal. Dr. Koza is the founding co-chair of the Strategic Management Society Interest Group on International Competition and Global Strategy, and has served as a board member for the European Group for Organizational Studies.

Previously, Dr. Koza held appointments at the Cranfield University School of Management, a British institution that is a leader among Europe's management schools. As a professor of international strategic management, he directed Cranfield's Centre for International Business. Dr. Koza also has served as a visiting research professor at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University; an associate professor of business policy at INSEAD (the European Institute of Business Administration); a visiting scholar at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley; and an assistant professor of organization and strategy at UCLA's Graduate School of Management.

Mitchell Koza earned his Ph.D. in organizational sociology and education from the University of Chicago; his master's degree in policy and planning from Harvard University; and his bachelor's degree in history and politics from the City University of New York.

We are grateful for the thoughtful work of the search committee, chaired by Law Dean Rayman Solomon and comprising faculty, staff, students, alumni, and prominent members of the business community. Dr. Koza is an inspired selection for this important position. We look forward to working with him and invite you to join us in offering Dr. Koza our warmest welcome to Rutgers.

Richard L. McCormick

Roger Dennis